
Snow 2011

We don't typically get a lot of winter weather around these parts. A few weeks ago we received some Christmas snow - a definite oddity here in good ol' South Carolina. Early Monday morning we were hit with another round and this time it was pretty bad... no work/school on Monday or Tuesday, and now no school on Wednesday. The ice that followed the snow we received has made a mess of roads and everyone is being safe by keeping as many people off the roads as possible. I've not heard about my work plans for tomorrow yet... guess we'll see. I expect there will be some type of delay.

I've watched a lot of daytime television - something I'm not used to doing much anymore. Yesterday I actually watched Oprah from start to finish. Joshua cooked dinner last night and I'm going to cook it tonight. I'm finally being semi busy by washing clothes. I went out earlier and started the car - just to make sure it would. I am on the waiting list to have the car looked over before we head to the beach on Friday for the dance convention. I need to start gathering things together to pack us up for the trip. This trip's been looming and I've just thought of it as being far away... things have a way of sneaking up on ya' huh?

So pray for me... pray I get the car squared away - pray the snow clears up and life gets back to normal - pray we prepare for the trip and manage to get there in one piece, safe and sound... I'd appreciate it!

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