
Summer Comes

The kids and I are back from our week's stay on Hilton Head. How wonderful it was to just sit around and not have to be anywhere, do anything or be a slave to any kind of schedule!  It rained Monday and Tuesday (thanks Beryl!) but the rest of the week was gorgeous.  I read three books, ended up with a tan, ate some great food and didn't gain any weight!  I didn't lose any more but we ate what we wanted and I didn't gain so I feel that's a success.  I didn't really want to go backwards since I'm down 28 lbs according to my doctor's appointment the Friday before we left.  Now I can go back to concentrating on eating well and exercising.  The weight will continue to drop I think.  It's been fun to dig out clothes from the back of my closet I've not been able to wear in a while.  At some point, if I lose more weight, I'll probably need a few new things.  That's ok... I'll make it work :-)

I enjoyed every second I sat on the beach, smelling the salt air, feeling the breeze and the sun.  I wonder sometimes why I can't get there more often.  It's not like there isn't anything much stopping me (besides money).  It's not a long drive.  Being at the beach is so cathartic for me.  It has a way of restoring inside me whatever gets depleted.  I had my cute little tankini and straw hat - lots of sunscreen (but still managed to get slightly sunburned) and books, glorious books!  I finished The Help and read the latest Stephanie Plum novel.  Holly had the latest best seller... a book all of my friends have been asking if I'd read... a novel I'd not heard of until the last few weeks.  I didn't know what the plot was or the scandalous nature of its reputation.  Holly was going to let me read it when she was done but she was taking too long and I needed a book.  I bought it and finished it within twenty-four hours. Oh my!  I'm currently in the middle of the second book.  I'm curious to discover the secrets of the main characters and the fact they engage in hot, kinky sex several times a chapter doesn't hurt!  My son now refers to these books as smut but Holly and I don't care - they are fascinating!  The dominate/submissive stuff is intriguing and tends to remind me of someone .  I'd actually thought of sending him the book, semi-anonymously - but I won't.  The book was a great beach read though!

It's time for me to return to book two... I've got to find out all the secrets - I just gotta!

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