
What Needs to Be Done?

This is one of the pictures from the portrait session I had done of the kids. I was very, very pleased with all the pics. Most are in frames now except this one. Once I hang the big one I will take a picture of the picture, until then this is what we've got...
good lookin' kids if I do say so myself. I'm so proud... sniff, sniff...

I am in the process of making a list... a to do list - because, well, I've got things I need to do. I really need to organize my clothes. I need to make sure I know what I have in the way of professional dress and what I still need. I have no idea what I need but if I have it laid out I can get a better grasp on it. Tonight I found myself in Belk and I bought a skirt and shirt and a dress. The dress was a steal at $14.oo - marked down from $58.00. It's just a cotton dress but it will be good for work on a non-court day. I need to looked polished and during the summer I really don't want to wear long pants. hot.

I also need to paint my living room. I've been meaning to do it for a good long while now - several years in fact - and I really shouldn't put it off anymore. I now have money to buy the paint and in a few weeks Joshua and Holly will be out of state on vacation and I can ship Rebecca out to my folks - then I'd have all the free space and quiet to paint in, I sure like that idea :-). I need to look at paint samples. I have a color in mind - and eventually want to get a new sofa. Both will make a dramatic difference in the space. I feel some pressure to do this now because I have that great new portrait collage of the kids to hang.
And I'm sure there is more - I know there is but I will start with those two things... and we'll see how I do. I will post updates :-)

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