
Almost Forgot!

I did! I almost forgot to write a blog entry tonight! For shame on me!

It's Friday - thank goodness! It was a very long week - very long... and I was so ready for a break. Next week will be a hellish one, not only do we have court but we also have a state wide training we are doing on Wednesday - and we have to participate in the training and I'm ever so slightly nervous about doing it. But... whatcha gonna do, eh? Tomorrow we see the Rockette Christmas Show - I can't wait! Reminds me of NYC last year, ahhhhh memories!

The Wedding Planner is on again... it's freezing outside and I'm too lazy to make a cup of hot cocoa to drink in bed while I watch it... truth is I will probably go to sleep, snuggled down under the covers, after I finish this entry. Matthew McConaughey is an attractive guy... I think what makes him more attractive is his personality, and what works in this movie is the interaction between the two main characters... the looks they give one another... the things they say... chemistry. Chemistry... it truly is everything.

I read somewhere we are attracted to approximately 7% of the opposite sex at any given time - meaning, if a woman walked into a room of 100 men, she would find seven of them attractive. Pretty sorry odds, don't you think? Makes me wonder how there are so many folks wandering around out there attached to so many people... but I read all that somewhere on the Internet and we all know we can't trust everything we see on the Internet, now can we?

And my eyes are getting droopy and I can sleep late in the morning... yippee! Perhaps there will be more substance to tomorrow's post - riiiiiiiiight...

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