
25 Things

The time is drawing nigh and I'm thinking, as I'm so so close to finishing this month long daily entry challenge, that I might just bail on the whole idea - what a quitter I sound like! I need an idea! An idea would make it so much easier - someone, please, just tell me what to write! I actually googled "blog post ideas" and I'm seeing some good ideas... hmmmm... let's see...

25 Random Things About Me (can I do it?)

  1. I love cooked chocolate pudding and would prefer to eat it slightly warm.
  2. I can't stand for pictures hanging on the wall to be crooked.
  3. I buy all my makeup from Clinique except my mascara - that's always Loreal.
  4. I keep a certain balance in my checkbook and if it falls below that amount it bothers me.
  5. I like to watch Jeopardy.
  6. My dad picked out my first name, my mom came up with my middle name.
  7. I love sunflowers.
  8. Melted cheese makes me happy.
  9. I miss wearing a wedding ring.
  10. I watch Morning Joe while I get ready for work.
  11. I think South Park and Family Guy can be pretty funny sometimes.
  12. I can't stand to go to bed with makeup still on my face.
  13. I'm a pretty good cook.
  14. I'm the oldest of two children - I'm three years older than my brother.
  15. I don't have a gallbladder.
  16. I've never seen a Star Wars movie from start to finish.
  17. I like to travel.
  18. Even though I'm the only one who sleeps in this queen size bed I still sleep on just one side.
  19. I rarely have trouble falling asleep.
  20. I've been tubing down the Guadalupe River.
  21. I will read just about anything.
  22. I read my horoscope every day.
  23. I have the same thought first thing every morning.
  24. I don't photograph well.
  25. I'm actually very introverted.

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