

Baby It's Cold Outside!

It is chilly and it's 'possed to get colder - which isn't all that weird for South Carolina but ya know... we just don't ever seem to be ready for it. What do I mean by cold? Well, don't laugh, but the 40's are considered cold.... what can I say :-) Saturday is Christmas Parade day - a marathon of jingle bells and Santa baby - three, yes three... so it takes up pretty much the whole darn day (why you ask? Well - Rebecca's dance studio has a float and the girls all dance along the parade route). It's cute - and I'm sure I'll have pictures to share on Saturday for my fifth post of the month!

The promise of cold weather and the tiny little talk of possible flurries (a rarity in the winter, let alone December) had some of us reminiscing about our trip last December to NYC. It really was one of the most wonderful experiences I've ever had - walking out of the hotel that Saturday morning to a steady flurry of snow flakes! It was awesome! We walked to the Cafe Edison and had breakfast and then spent the morning riding a tour bus - and all the while it was snowing - wonderful, wet, cold snow - and it snowed the whole rest of the day, and into the night as we walked around Rockefeller Center with the people and sights and sounds and the tree. That trip was truly one of the best "throw caution to the wind" moments I've ever had. I'm so ready to do it again!

It's a good night to be snuggled down under the bed covers. I'm so ready for the rest - it's been a long day... but I did have a sweet moment today - something I've not experienced in a long while... I was at the dance studio and the owner, who was teaching one of the three-four year old little girl ballet classes, came into the office where I was sitting (in her nice little office chair) and she asked the office manager to call a little girl's mother - the little lass wasn't feeling well. A was holding her and the little angel was falling asleep and A said she would just take her back to the studio and wait. I said if she'd come to me I'd hold her until mom got there. She did, easily, and snuggled onto my lap, head on my chest, little hands curled up under her for warmth and we rocked in the chair and very soon she was asleep - so very very sweet. We sat and rocked for a good 20 minutes before mom got there and I loved every minute of it. I'd forgotten how wonderful it can be to hold a little one, sigh.

So there it is - day three. LMAO - not sure I'm gonna make it to 31 - this post isn't all that coherent - there is no "arc" to it - but hey, every post doesn't have to be perfect, now does it?

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