
Game Day

We went to the Carolina/Georgia game last Saturday. It was a blast! Particularly since Carolina beat Georgia 17-6. We were sitting on the home side so we were mostly around other like minded folks like us but there were a few of the unclean around. They started out very vocal but ended up in silence.... I loved it! My brother went with us, we left at the crack of dawn since it was a noon game but I have to say it was a perfect day! Don't ya just love those?

Here are a few pics:

The band right before getting into postion for 2001 and the entrance of the team...

Her very first game! She was sooooooooo excited, can ya' tell?

Notice the creepy guy behind the kids? My brother... too funny!

We were in the nose bleeds but had an awesome view -

Rebecca and her Uncle Joe...



One of those evenings when I'm not enjoying being a mother...


It's That Time of Year!

Time for some Carolina Football! Game is on now, not sure what the outcome will be yet - we lead at the moment. I really don't have a whole lot to say... just enjoying the fact that at some point in the (hopefully) near future it will be cooler outside... and oh, we just scored another touchdown! Go Cocks!

I love football season - I love this time of year. I always have. I can't really explain it. Part of it was the start of school (yeah I was one of those weirdos who liked school). Part of it I think is the cooler weather - that hunker down feeling that comes with the need for a blanket at night and a slight nip in the air. I love hot chocolate and football games. Soup for dinner. Fall is all about anticipation for me I think... so much to look forward to in the fall. Gosh I love it!

That's basically all I had to say tonight - not terribly exciting I know, I'm sorry. I'll try to do better this weekend... night - and hey GO COCKS!