
Family Funny

Ahhhh, it's that time of year isn't it? The kids have been talking about what they'd like for Christmas... a few ideas batted around - Joshua has stayed pretty true to his request - not wavering much at all. Rebecca, on the other hand, has been up and down and backwards and forwards so much my head has been spinning...

Sunday the kids and I drove up to Best Buy. Joshua's girlfriend, Holly, was picking up her Christmas present her parents had bought the day before - a new laptop... so I rode up with them to get an idea about this Zune thing Joshua has asked for this year... so I see it, I buy it - one major Christmas present done. Rebecca has been asking for a new laptop - she inherited Joshua's old one, the one that's five years old and sorta on its last leg. I have my new laptop and I'm really not about to share it - it's mine... all mine I tell you and I don't want anyone else's dirty little mitts on it! I've contemplated getting her one for Christmas but she had picked out one that was around $700 and by the time I bought the service plan and paid the taxes on it and did that optimization thing it would have been closer to a grand, and well, ya know, I just don't have that kind of money to blow on one present for her.

Best Buy had some nice computers for around $300 but she really got sorta pissy about it - said they weren't pretty enough and she didn't think they would have enough memory or whatever to hold all her music and stuff.... sheesh - and here Joshua was, the boy I paid all that money for so he could get an honest to goodness computer science degree, telling her they were just right for her - telling her that in three years when she went to college would be about the time she'd need a new laptop - telling her she ought to be smart and not so stubborn... and she folded her arms and gave us that look - you know the one - that teenage, OMG you people just don't get it, I can't believe I have to live like this look...

I just looked at her while pretending I didn't want to pinch her pretty little head off and calmly and unemotionally I said, "Listen Chick - I know you want what you want - but I'm telling you - I can't afford it - and so you have two choices - you can stay obstinate and miss out, or you can lower your standards and possibly get a new laptop." Well, I have no idea what clicked, clacked or clucked but her demeanor changed and she acquiesced - and, well... she's getting a new laptop. I even got a huge hug in the store and she actually got teary eyed - awwwwww.

God Bless Us, Everyone!

We left the laptop at the store for the whole optimization thing - and Joshua was going to pick it up for me today since he works near the store. Rebecca texted him this evening and asked if he got it - he gave her the run around and made her think he'd forgotten. He then let her know it was here and when she and I got home from dance she ran around the house looking for it (yeah like I was really gonna let her get a look at it out of the box). She was all into the search when I get a text message from Joshua that says it's under her bed haha, and for some reason that was the funniest thing to me. I tell ya, I get the biggest kick out of these kids sometimes -


Anonymous said...

"it's last leg" ??

tsk tsk...

Belle said...

Ok - fine - I fixed it. Someone once told me my fingers can't keep up with my thoughts... I try to proof what I write but I too make mistakes. Forgive me?