
You Just Never Know

Angels come to us in so many different ways, and at the oddest times.  Isn't it funny how that works?  For months, maybe years, I've been saying to myself I really need to get my butt out the door and start walking again - I really need to get back into that groove, find that motivation.  I mean, I could remember being so focused on it at one time, but that was during and after the first affair and the kids were smaller and I needed to get away and be able to think and the only time I could do that was when I walked - so I did.  Weight fell off and I felt awesome - had not felt that good physically in a very long time.  For six months straight I walked.  At some point life got in the way and my walking fell by the wayside.  I lost ground... and I ended up here, wondering if I'm gonna look like a giant tootsie roll in my mother of the groom dress when really I just wanna look like one hot momma!  LOL!

One of the aspects I absolutely love of my job is I get the opportunity to work with volunteers - these folks donate their time to help children and I get to help them help the kids - it's the most satisfying thing I've ever done outside of being a mother.  But as a wonderful side benefit I get to interact with some truly interesting people.  One of our volunteers is also a member of the same church I attend.  She's a few years older than me - not enough to be a parent but definitely old enough to be a big sister.  She's decided to whip my lazy butt back into shape and she's taking this project seriously.  Very seriously.  I kid her, call her a sadist, and she laughs at me - a lot.  Tonight she forced (yes FORCED) me to walk four miles and two long sections were straight up hills from hell.  I felt horrible while I was doing it, but I also knew I'd feel awesome aftewards - and guess what? I was right!

Here I was, sorta wishing I had someone to push me, and she stepped in and took the role.  We walk when we can, at least three days a week, and I'm starting to feel the positive effects.  It's killer while in the middle of it but afterwards - oh wow!  Love it!  Dad gave me money for my birthday for new "tennis" shoes and so I bought a pair of Shape-Ups - awesome shoes! I'm making changes, slowly, but still changes and I'm getting motivation from some really surprising places. I'm realizing the more I open myself up to people and possibilities, the more the blessings flow.  Thank you God!

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