
Happy New Year

Well, well, well we've made it to 2009. People typically take this day to reflect and make resolutions, laying out a plan of sorts for the coming year - looking back on wasted time and drafting an outline to ensure that time doesn't get squandered in the future. I've never been big on doing that, never big on making promises to myself or others about future behaviors or the attainment of lofty goals - I'm much too pragmatic of a girl to place myself in such a situation. And yet I've been thinking, musing, contemplating doing just that... pondering a list of does and don'ts, desires and dreams for the newly arrived year.

When we took son to orientation in June of 2005, we sat in a room and listened the Dean of the College of Math and Applied Sciences talk about goal setting. He taked about how different people have different methods for goal setting. Many people, he said, secretly set goals and no one never knows. He said other people verbalize their goals - stating them out loud and sharing them. He said still others will write them down, and it is those folks, the writers, who tend to be most sucessful in achieving their goals. A week or so later son received an email from the dean asking him to write down his goals for his first semester at school and email them back. So he did, and you know that boy achieved them all - every one of them. Wish I could say he's been as successful since but I can't (drat!) - makes me think, though, there might be some validity to the process. I have an artist friend who keeps saying we need to create a vision board - maybe now is a good time to do that - I need to give her a call!

So let's see...

I want to spend more time walking - I always felt so good when I walked and the walking will help me get back into some of the clothes hanging in my closet.

I want to go to the movies more often. I love going to the movies and in truth I rarely do, but I'm not sure why.

I want to get my house organized more. I'm really an organized, methodical sort of person except for my house and I'm not really sure why that is. At work everything has a place, my computer is organized but my house still has large pockets of disorder. The house is small, not a lot of room to spread out, so I have to be smart and make space count.

I want to make daughter and son (if he's still living with us this summer) more responsible for helping do those everyday upkeep activities here at the house. They pitch in and help when asked but I'd like to make them more independently responsible - if that makes any sense to anyone but me.

I want a financial plan. If I get the new job that will make this task easier to accomplish. I'm good with my money but recently it's been difficult to save, which is making me crazy.

I want to take a trip without children - an adult trip. It doesn't have to be anything exotic or far reaching, I'd just like to go somewhere, do something that involves being a grownup.

I thought about adding something like - have sex in 2009, considering I didn't have sex in 2008 but I don't want to have sex just for the sake of having sex. I want sex to be an expression of love and affection for someone important in my life and I really don't think that's the kind of thing I can force, the kind of thing I should force... so we'll just have to see how that one goes....

It's a little odd to add this song after the little blurb about sex but what the heck - at least no one can accuse me of not having a sense of humor huh? So maybe one day I will - have sex again that is... lol!

One Day You Will...

1 comment:

VSL Poltroon said...

I think 2009 is going to be your year...

From the dark end of the street...
to The Bright Side Of The Road...