

At the risk of jinxing this whole thing I will make a bold declaration and say - I just mailed the last tuition check for son! If all goes well and he does what he's supposed to do, he'll graduate in May with a BS in Computer Science... hopefully he'll get a job and become a productive member of society and stop being a drain on my pocketbook - hey... a momma can dream - can't she?

Stay tuned... hopefully in May I can post pictures of the boy in a cap and gown - that is if I didn't jinx the whole thing with this post. Superstition anyone? AND if he graduates he'll do so without any debt... I was determined to make that happen... it was one of my goals and I'm pretty darn happy about being able to accomplish that... feels like a gift I've given him... one he's not quite grasped the enormity of yet - but that's ok... he will one day. Wow... feels like just one more chapter to go, the last chapter, which will be set on a Saturday morning in May on the coast of South Carolina on a (hopefully) bright, beautiful day. There will be smiles and tears and pride... so much pride I know I'll feel like I will burst... and then the book will be finished.

There will be more to come in his life- a whole new book to write... a job and a wedding and buying a house and children and more, so much more - but those will be accomplishments he achieves separate from me... pages to fill with his own dreams and hopes and joys and tears - the way it's all supposed to be. His graduation - now that is the ending to a tale started once upon a time... a story of love set in motion on a hot May day almost 22 years ago... a day when a perfect little blue eyed, red headed baby boy slipped quietly into my life and changed me forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratualtions. In advance. You should be proud. May your lives be blessed with many more moments such as this.