
Another Day, Another (200) Dollar(s)

Today was another one of those days... something unexpected came up and it didn't rattle me. Woohoo! The day didn't go as planned but it was perfectly ok... perfectly. My baby girl is sick :-( and I had to rearrange the day - me, just me. You see that used to bother me, used to make me feel horrible. I had no one to help me, no one to call on to pick up the slack, coordinate with, manage the day. I often felt overwhelmed. What I've learned though is I can do it all just fine by myself, thank you. I really must be in a good place these days!

Daughter woke up this morning and her right eye was bloodshot and the area around her eye was swollen... and she's been really congested and sorta lethargic. I think the pollen has wreaked havoc with her and the allergy mess has settled into the right side of her face and taken hold. So I left her at home this morning while I went to work and while driving to work I spent twenty-one minutes on the phone waiting to make an appointment with the doctor. I got an appointment for her at 3 and by 4:30 we'd seen the doctor, been given three prescriptions and paid the $104 bill. Then it was off to the Walmart store where we got the scripts filled and did some grocery shopping... all good and healthy wonderful things, I must say. She's sleeping right now... bless her heart.

The doctor was really nice, took his time, which was a pleasant change. Last time she was sick we were in the exam room all of five minutes. All is taken care of now... she's doped up on an antibiotic and a steroid to help with the inflammation - and some eye drops which are probably unnecessary, but we'll use 'em. And she's taking the allergy meds... whew. The doctor kinda surprised her I think... he was asking her about her symptoms and then said, "And when was your last menstrual period?" She turned her head and just stared at me, almost like she was thinking is this guy for real? So I said, "Last week right?" (cause she and I are every man's worst nightmare - synchronized cycles) and she agreed. Another monumental first in our mother/daughter relationship. sigh.

That was the day: expensive, busy, done. Whew :-)

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