
Saturday Night Silliness

Gosh, they make me smile!

This weekend felt a lot like a turning point. But maybe that's wrong. Maybe it's not a turning point so much as a settling, a return to normality - at least something that resembles normality for us. It's us. Us against the world... no, that's not right, it's us in the world... us part of the world. It's a wonderful feeling, getting to this point. Driving back Saturday night from the dance competition, from dinner, from the doughnut run, on our way to rent a movie, during all the laughter and silliness it was so clear to me that this is it - this is what it's all about... and I am so thankful, so blessed to have it... to experience it... to be wrapped in the wonderment of it all. I live a privileged life!

I've been feeling lately like I've finally come through it, finally reached the other side. I am a happy person now. I can finally say that, finally feel it's sustainable. Oh there are glitches, moments every now and then where life doesn't go exactly as I expect it to... but that's all the minor little mishaps life throws at you - the car accident last week, such a very minor moment compared to the last three years. It's funny, my reaction to it, and I didn't even realize it then, but it makes me laugh now to think about it, to know that peace has become such a constant part of my life that I don't even think about it anymore. The guy in the semi truck ran into me and I was upset, but I didn't see it as a personal attack by God, or the devil, or karma... it was just what it was - an unfortunate accident... an irritation that I have to attend to... nothing less nothing more.

Huh... and to think three years ago I never could have imagined it.

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