Well my fear was not realized... I woke up Saturday and it was, in fact, May 1st. I had this fear I would wake up and it would be April 1st all over again - I just couldn't take that! I could not do the month of April all over again! I didn't think it was ever gonna end.... but, whew, it did and I say "Arrivederci" to that long, rough ol' month. What made it so rough you ask... well that's a tough one - I really can't put a finger on it. Work was demanding, yes. The same running I always do. So to be honest, I'm not sure. It just was and perhaps that's enough of an explanation. At least I have two, yes TWO, state holidays this month - WooHoo!
So let's see... the ex is on house arrest. Somehow his sentence was reduced to a few month's worth of house restriction. He did not share that with me, his parents did not share that with me... the kids came home asking about it because some man showed up while they were there on Saturday and the grandparents had a moment of trying to cover it up, which of course raised the heightened awareness by the kids - they aren't stupid. They came home asking me and, of course I had no idea, so I called our minster and asked. Once he's finished with this he goes back to being a productive member of society (yeah right) and all will be right with the world. Barf.
Ah well, whatcha gonna do? He still continues to be a void in the kids' lives. They go have dinner and he spends the majority of his time upstairs. I really don't know what the deal is. Embarrassment? Gee, that really can only get a person so far. They didn't see him the whole month of April... and he was stuck at home. His loss, truly.
I think I'm going to treat myself to a coconut fruit bar...