

The kids and I spent the weekend in Atlanta. We saw the Georgia Aquarium on Saturday and spent the day at Six Flags on Sunday. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory (we don't have one here in SC) and spent a lot of time turning around on streets because we passed the street we were supposed to turn on... Atlanta is a confusing place to drive... I didn't much enjoy that part of it. All the directions we had involved u-turns, go figure.

The Aquarium was pretty cool - we saw penguins and beluga whales. The place is pretty big and there were like a bijillion people there. It was smart to have tickets and a reservation time prior to getting there. People were in line at 2 getting tickets to enter at 4. The weather wasn't horribly hot so waiting might not have been that bad but I can't imagine waiting like that in 100 degree+ heat.

Six Flags was fun! We rode all the coasters, um yeah... I've decided I'm a tad bit old to be doing stuff like that. There were three coasters I won't get on again - they flung my head around and really hurt. I'm still feeling it today. My favorties were the Batman and the Superman (is that a theme?). Superman was cool because they strap you in and then put you on your stomach. Those two rides didn't fling my poor little noggin around like the others did. I rode the Goliath once with the kids - it's wild because it only has one little thing across your front and the big deal with the coaster is it makes you almost weightless by suspending you for a split second in the air as you come down from the coaster's ups. They wanted to ride it one more time before we left the park, I declined and they went without me. The rode in the front seats and, well... the picture says it all!

We had a great time... but it's good to be home!

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