
Election Day

I voted. I had played with the idea of not voting - didn't really see it as mattering much... I know I know... please no lectures. There was a time in my younger days I would have railed at myself for saying and thinking and feeling that but I am older now - more cynical about life and government and choices and people. But ultimately I decided to vote. I took daughter to school (yeah she had school today - so much for private schools and their choices) and then I went - no make up - sweat pants - wearing red and blue (which I promise was not planned). It wasn't what I would call crowded but it was steady. So I did it - my patriotic duty... God Bless America.

I won't discuss my choices... not sure who I voted for is really an important matter for this blog. There was one race I left blank... just couldn't bring myself to vote for a state senator running unopposed... not when he's the kind of person who feeds a mentality here in the South that does nothing but bastardize a pride in heritage. I mean he looks good - his family is polished and they take a great picture but the words that come out of their mouths are offensive. I have a definite belief in what I think government should be... but I won't allow my belief to be used to further someone else's agenda. There was a time in my life I would have voted a straight ticket... now my ballot is more diverse... maybe that's an aging thing.... maybe it's not. I think perhaps it's more an awareness of gray... gray in my life - gray in the world.

So I voted - voiced my opinion - exercised my right as an American and I'm glad I did.

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