
Day Off

Yesterday was a holiday and I took today off just for the heck of it. Well, not really. Rebecca was asked to model for a photography guild this afternoon and we have to be there at 5. It will take her a bit to get ready and since I wouldn't have been off work until 5 I decided it was a smart thing to do - take the day. She also had dance classes scheduled for this morning but that was rescheduled late last night by her teacher and so we've got the morning to lounge around. At some point I will work on the living room a little more since I painted it Sunday. Mostly what's left to do is hang pictures. There are a few I can probably hang myself - well, heck, I could hang them all myself if I felt so moved I suppose, but it's easier to have help with some of them. The big one of the kids is heavy and I'm a little worried about how well the wall will handle it. I've moved some furniture around and dusted EVERYTHING. It's looking pretty good, the color turned out nicely! It's exactly what I had envisioned. Now I need to paint the trim and steam clean the carpet. Oh, also clean the chair the dog tends to rub against, ugh.

I feel odd having the day off and I'm not running around. Typically when I take a day off it's because I have some kind of running around to do - and today really was not exception to that except my plan was cancelled and I find myself free until 5. I will need to help Rebecca with her hair and makeup but that won't be until later in the day so until them, hmmm... what does one do? I've ended up with ten extra days off this year due to a mandatory state furlough. I don't really mind having a few dollars taken from my paycheck in exchange for the ten days. I'm taking five of them in August when we go to the beach and the other five, hmmm... I'm thinking a few right before Christmas holiday. It's nice to have time I can take (in addition to my accrued days). It's nice to have some money, at least for the next couple of years. I need to start dropping money in my savings account religiously... I need to be disciplined. I can do it... it's just making that first deposit.

I think I will make myself some breakfast... continue to watch Morning Joe... relax. This is sorta foreign to me and the truth is, after what I've been through in the past, I'm glad it is.

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