

Life Goes On...

Today is a good day! Don't ask me why - I'm not really sure. I got up... prepared to do my little museum gig by letting the maid in to clean. I came home and cleaned out the fridge... got trash ready for the dump... took the trash, let the maid out and came home to do more cleaning. The weather is beautiful... 70 degrees and sunny, a slight breeze. As I sit here I can hear the wind chimes occasionally make a soft sound. A dog is barking down the street... the kitchen smells clean, dishes are done... daughter is listening to her new IPod, the dog is eating his chew bone... son helped me with a silly little computer question... I have a little money in the bank... and I am content. All is right with the world.

Will it last? Probably not - and that's ok. There is beauty and peace in the knowledge that happiness comes and goes, ebbs and flows. Any one particular feeling may not be sustainable... may not remain a constant throughout an undetermined amount of time... but if I can accept and rejoice in little moments of contented bliss like this, well then that can be enough to sustain my spirit through those days when I'm not feeling so content. Life throws curve balls... and I've had my share - more than my fair share if I do say so :-). It's all what I make it though... and really I've made it pretty wonderful in a lot of ways. I'm still standing - I'm still capable of love - I have a home, a family, a purpose.

I'd forgotten this feeling. For awhile it just didn't seem like anything would fall into place... just didn't feel like I'd ever get a moment of rest... but here it is... a moment... a soft, sweet, warm moment of respite. It feels so good to breathe... so good to hope... so good to focus on positive things. Maybe it's the weather?

Put Your Records On...

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