
The Result

Well, a result, not THE result because we won't know that until late March, early April - but in case anyone was wondering she did well. She was terrified. I knew she was and as I left her there to take that first class, the ballet class, I wished my nervousness was enough for the both of us. Of course, as all parents know, it wasn't... and so I left her there, to face it on her own and Allyson, Hannah and I went downstairs to wait in the lobby. I expected her to come down and say, "Let's just go." I expected her to be upset, or dejected, or just plain overwhelmed but when she walked through the glass doors, in the throng of other girls, I saw a young lady with a smile on her face, walking with her head held high, cheeks rosey and eyes bright. She looked confident and pleased with herself. It was a gorgeous sight! She talked to us about the class, ate a few crackers and drank some water, and when the time came she jumped up to go to the modern class, excited and ready.

I was so proud of her... regardless of whether she gets accepted to attend or not. It's a choosey place, taking only a handful of dancers for the five week intensive, and she can always try again next year. I think now she'd definitely try it again. She gained a lot from this experience... she saw, I honestly think, for the very first time that she was just as capable as anyone else in that class. I think she saw, finally, that she could hang with anyone. There is value in that... value more precious than gold... it makes me smile.

That's it, so now we wait. Prayers and crossed fingers appreciated!

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