
Copy Cat

Charles Caleb Colton coined the phrase, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." I didn't know who'd said it until I looked it up - isn't Google just the most special thing? I guess you do learn something new everyday - well maybe not everyone does... my mother once picked my then young son up from school and she asked him what he'd learned that day - he responded, "Nothing that I didn't all ready know." But I do learn something new most days and today I learned about CCC....

I have this little blog - my little blog ball - and I try to write but sometimes I have an idea and I can't quite figure out how I want to discuss it and sometimes I just plain got nuthin'. I have a few friends that read regularly and they'll ask me, "Why haven't you written anything lately?" and I really have no answer for them other than I don't have much to say. One friend says you have to write whether you feel like it or not... sometimes you just have to write about nothing, sometimes the content isn't the important part - sometimes it's just the practice. He didn't say all that word for word but I think that's what he meant - he can correct me if I am wrong. Lately I'm having a hard time focusing... maybe it's the working thing, but the working thing has been good. I've not made a lot of money and I've actually not gotten paid yet but it's been nice to be busy... and the other job is still a possibility - so I've been tired a lot and trying to prioritize things, cooking and cleaning and homework help... it's been a nice feeling though - it feels like purpose, like forward movement. Maybe I'll blog about that another time... it's still a work (lol!) in progress.

What I had planned to do here tonight though was write about my favorite foods... My blog buddy did that... wrote about his favorite foods and since I've copied him in the past I figured why not again... it's at least the process of writing, may not be terribly substantive but hey, it's practice :-) So here's my list - in no particular order:

Wine... I prefer a red - usually a Merlot, but sometimes I like a cold white wine - I don't like a dry white though so I usually get a Riesling... sometimes I like a cold beer and I've become partial to Blue Moon. I wonder what the policy is on wine/beer in the convent?

Sweet Tea... nothing better than a glass of cold sweet tea. If you order a glass of tea in the South there's no need to specify sweet... that's just understood. If you don't want sweet tea you have to say "unsweetened please" (manners). Some places have better sweet tea than others and often a local restaurant will be rated by how good their tea is. I also like a Chai tea from Starbucks... spicy!

Crab Cakes... I love a good crab cake - I usually order them when we're at the beach. The best I've ever had was in Wilmington NC. It came with some kind of remoulade and it was so so good. I've had some great ones on Hilton Head too.

Salmon... I like to cook salmon for dinner sometimes and I like to order it out a lot. The best salmon I've ever had was at the Pirate's House in Savannah. It came with the best mashed potatoes and some kind of sweet pecan (pronounced puh' con) sauce. Yum!

Filet Mignon... cooked medium served with a nice salad and a glass of red wine. Nothing better - nothing.

Godiva Truffles... love love love some Godiva truffles... the kids once for Christmas gave me a sampler that had like 12 of them ... I ate two a day... I had this ritual... I'd sit down at night, the lights on the Christmas tree glowing, and I'd just quietly savor them. They are so decadent.

Cheese Fries... I don't eat them often - they are bad for ya' - ya' know? A place in town used to have these things they called loaded fries - they had cheese and chili and bacon and jalapenos... talk about a heart attack waiting to happen but they were so good... it's sad they're gone... but maybe that's a good thing, huh?

Homemade Bread... nothing better than homemade bread - especially with homemade soup. I used to make bread from scratch but then I discovered frozen bread dough and well... now I cheat... but it tastes just as good and it's easier. I'm all about easier.

Fruit... I'll eat most fruit but my favorites are cherries, pears, red grapes and strawberries. My mom makes a fruit salad during the holidays that I like a lot.

Brussels Sprouts and Asparagus... I like most vegetables too but I'm particularly fond of those two. I like to roast them in the oven with olive oil, fresh ground pepper and kosher salt.

So that's it - my favorites... oh and I forgot one... birthday cake but it has to be birthday cake from Publix - they have the very best butter cream frosting and if you're gonna eat something so full of calories it at least ought to be worth it - right?

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