
Sing a Song

There have been a few blog entries here about music - what's a ball, after all, without music and dance and conversation? No fun, right? So there's lots of music... stuff I like, stuff that has meaning to me. But it's not just about listening to music for me... I like to sing it too. It's kinda of a secret, not a closely guarded one though, just one most people aren't exposed to too often. The kids yeah, they've been privileged to hear my melodious voice because they ride in the car with me... but more often than not it's me alone, singing... singing... singing, envisioning myself sitting on a grand piano wearing a silky red dress, red satin heels, perfectly coiffed hair, singing a heartfelt sad song while the piano player accompanies me. After the song ends the crowd bursts into applause, I say a few words, thanking the piano player and he begins the next song.... I'd have a repertoire of torch songs to keep the crowd enthralled - they'd all be mesmorized by my seductive voice.

Now I'm not really sure if I have a pleasant singing voice or not. The dog doesn't howl when I sing so that's a good sign, I think. One Advent the family was invited to light the Advent wreath during the Sunday service. We had to speak some lines and say a prayer - each of us having a few lines to say on our own. I had to say the most becomes none of the others wanted to... but afterwards I got a lot of compliments on my speaking voice. The choir director started asking me to join the choir - it's something I've not done yet - rehearsal is in the evening during the middle of the week and it's not a terribly convenient thing for me to do right now. A time will come when I'll be able to do it... a few more years and then we'll see. I like to sing in church... I'm sure I sing quite loudly - but the way I see it I'm simply making a "joyful noise unto the Lord..." and who could argue with that?

One of my childhood dreams was to become an opera singer - funny huh? There was just something so powerfully, beautifully perfect about the way an opera singer would sing... the epitome of class and grace. I would have liked voice lessons and to have been classically trained - but to what end I have no idea. I wasn't looking to be some kind of pop star or American Idol contestant... and I really don't know much about opera so I'm not sure what about it appealed to me so much. I did like the idea of wearing those costumes though... it's all about the fashion ya know - and sometimes they wear a tiara, you can't go wrong wearing a tiara. I can't sing soprano very well, not sure if that would disqualify me - wonder if that's a no-no in the opera world? I think my voice actually lends itself more to Patsy Cline than anything. I guess the whole idea of classical training would be to know if I have any talent, proof of some sort. I could then say,"Well I took voice at such and such a place" and people would go "ahhhhhh" (all the while thinking "She's such a pretentious bore"). But I guess the truth is simply that it makes me happy to sing - so it doesn't matter whether or not I have any talent, all that matters is it's something I do for myself, something to lift my soul, and that's gotta be a good thing. So...

For my next song I'd like to sing a little something my momma would play on her record player when I was a little girl all those many years ago... hope you like it...