

The training is done! Let me hear an AMEN!!! The training itself was great - the facilitators were awesome and inspiring - most definitely pros at what they do... but the part where we had to get up and present was excruciating... down right un-com-fort-able! It was hell. But - I did live through it... and I do have more skills concerning training than I had. All and all an ok day - whew!

This job, my job, allows me to meet some pretty incredible people. In the grand scheme of government agencies this one is a small one although we are all spread throughout the state, each county having it's own office. We only interact as a group several times a year but it's a situation where people are warm and inviting, always engaging, that it doesn't seem so spread out. It's like picking up where we left off.

Anyway - I am thrilled to be finished with that. Court is tomorrow and I have my own report to write as well as two to help write. But... I can do it! Yes I can! Writing the reports has gotten to be an easy, in my sleep sorta exercise so I'm not too stressed about it. Friday I have to do a training session with two volunteers and then next week, well... next week and the week after I have three work days each - I can deal with that! I sorta miss those days when I had so much time off, but then again I'm happy to be working where I am with the people I do, and to have the money and benefits. I'm truly blessed...

Now... I think all the worry about the big deal facilitators training today had me so freaked out I developed a blemish on my chin... and it's awful! I'm too old to have a zit - ewwwwwww.

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