
Second to Last

I'm having a really hard time finding music to put on my iPod. That's silly - I love music, I listen to all kinds of music, and I just can't find stuff I want to buy. It's crazy! Another problem I have is music is so tied to feelings for me, as I'm sure it is for lots of people - sometimes I listen to a song and it brings back memories. Oh, not that all memories are bad ones, just that sometimes they are waaaaaaaaaaay too bittersweet for me and it really affects my attitude. I know to avoid some stuff sometimes and I do ok... sometimes when I'm alone, when I can afford to let myself feel stuff, I'll listen to certain music. Don't get me wrong, it's not necessarily bad stuff... sad stuff... sometimes it's wistful stuff... dreamy stuff.

I'm realizing as I write this just how much of myself I don't share. Maybe I share it here to a certain degree, but still... I think there are a few things about myself I don't. It's not that I hide it really, it's just that I guess I feel like it's something very intimate, part of me to save for that one particular person. I just might be kidding myself though. I've said it before, I lay it all out there, it's just that some folks don't pick it up. Most folks probably.

Nothing about that confession solves my problem... my music problem. I have currently on my iPod: Norah Jones and Lady Antebellum, Darius Rucker and Michael Buble, Lifehouse, John Meyer, Daughtry, Corey Smith, Keith Urban, Rob Thomas and Train. I'm going to add some Kelly Clarkson (music we already had) and a few other songs I think Rebecca has on her computer but I'm lost on the rest of it... any ideas? I know I ask sometimes for feedback here but I don't really get it and that's ok... at moments like this I could use some inspiration and I don't have it... gee, is an iPod supposed to be this complicated? I don't have trouble working the darn thing, just picking music... sheesh, I'm backwards.

Here's one of my songs but... I can't find the dang video that goes with it - kinda pisses me off 'cause it's cute. Oh well... Soul Sister... I'll probably look for it tomorrow and there it will be! It's catchy - don't ya think?

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