

One summer, about 16 years ago, the in laws rented a house in Atlantic Beach. The drive took a while and we took two cars. My ex rode with his mom and Joshua and I rode with my father in law. Joshua, six at the time, was sitting in the back seat and my father in law asked him something about how things were going. Joshua answered, "It's just a reginary day Pop." And so father in law and I just looked at each other - wondering silently what the heck reginary was. I shrugged my shoulders so Pop says to him, "Joshua, what's reginary?" Joshua says, without skipping a beat, "You know, regular, ordinary - reginary." And so it did make sense in Joshua's peculiar little mind and he very succinctly described it to us - regular and ordinary were reginary and thus a new word was added to the family lexicon.

Today I took Rebecca to the beauty parlor for a hair cut. We love our hair stylist - she's one of our good friends and her daughter dances with Rebecca. The haircut was done, we were sitting around talking a little and conversation worked its way around to Christmas and gifts and surprises. Rebecca, my teenage silly girl - a blonde heart with a brunette head (if ya get my drift) is teasing her friend about being patient and waiting for Christmas Day to see her gifts and how her friend was trying to find ways to figure her gifts out and Rebecca says, "Oh don't be so sneakative!" And I said, "Huh?" Rebecca bursts out with a string of teenage girl giggles and she says, "I meant sneakrative. No wait! I really meant secretive... yeah, that's it but it came out sneakative... oh well!"

So... now we have a new word, even though I did google it and saw there are search results for it - but she didn't know that - so yep, you got it right, my children are geniuses, absolute visionaries! It makes a momma proud... and hey, I did spell check before publishing this thing and you would not believe all the little yellow misspelled works that popped up - talk about messing with my head!

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