
OMG! 2010 Here We Come!

Happy New Year!

I am, with this happy little post, reaching my goal of posting something every single day of December 2009. Everyday, people! Do you realize what that means? Yes, yes, yes, I know... it's been some boring crap thrown out there for the world to see if the world has so chosen but hey, what did you expect from me? Brilliance? HA! Don't think so... not here. Sorry.

I've been feeling so strange lately and I'm not sure what it means really. I feel great - I really do. Everything here has fallen into place. The kids are doing well - really well... the job is going really well (as a matter of fact I got a call today asking me if I'd like to add 7.5 hours to my week and become full time). I have some money in the bank and the ability to add more to that now, and I'm contemplating adding some more to my plate with school (probably in the summer). I'm stronger and actually feeling downright sassy! This is the place I told myself I'd get to eventually - this is the place that kept me going during all those dark, cold nights when I wondered if it would ever get better. This is it! I've realized a lot of stuff too... I've realized that reaching this place doesn't mean life is magically a place of lollipops and roses - hard stuff still happens, crappy things pop up - but I'm not so afraid to deal with it anymore and I don't see any of it as curse for some horrible sin I committed. I've figured out a way to do it - deal - overcome - adapt.

I feel funny, strange, odd, because while I feel so great, so wonderful I still feel like I'm missing something - someone. I'm ok with it though. I accept it for what it is, I still long for it, but it doesn't hurt like it used to... I don't feel hollow. Now we all realize this can change, but it's been this way for a little while now... so perhaps this is normality...? Does this mean I'm a whole person now? If so, I must say, I like it!

And so... I wish you all a very Happy New Year! I hope for us all that questions will be answered, friendships fostered, love realized, and families will flourish. I pray that God's plan will continue to manifest itself in our lives. Here's to 2010 - may this be the year for wonderful things, whatever they may be!

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